Tuesday 9 September 2008

UNC Spin-Off Company Receives $2 Million Grant To Market Cancer Treatment Technology

�A University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill spin-off company has been awarded a $2 one thousand thousand grant to commercialize a new engineering to improve radiation discussion of prostate cancer.

The grant from the National Cancer Institute, as part of its Small Business Innovation Research programme, will enable Morphormics Inc. to market its proprietorship technology for rapidly constructing anatomical "roadmaps" of individual patients.

"These roadmaps are critical navigational aIDS that serve physicians keep a radiation therapy beam focussed on the tumor, while at the same time avoiding nearby parts of the body that could be harmed by radiation exposure," aforementioned Edward L. Chaney, Ph.D., Morphormics' vice president of technology, prof in the School of Medicine's section of radiation oncology, and member of the UNC Lineberger Comprehensive Cancer Center.

As part of pre-treatment planning, radiation oncologists build the three-dimensional anatomic roadmaps of their patients by excluding sensitive organs and other anatomical structures from the medical images that are used to guide discourse. Currently, the process for creating such maps is both time-consuming and expensive, Chaney said.

Morphormics' solution is based on "m-reps," which are mathematical representations of anatomical structures. M-reps were conceived of and developed by UNC's Medical Image Display and Analysis inquiry group (MIDAG) with federal funding. The Morphormics system uses m-reps to automatically "extract" the prostate, bladder, seminal vesicles, a portion of the rectum and the femoral heads from 3-D medical images to form the anatomical roadmaps.

"This system will dramatically better efficiency, reduce costs and increase the reliability of treatment planning and delivery decisions," Chaney said. "This grant is an important step towards bringing these UNC cancer research developments to help patients with prostate crab everywhere."

Morphormics, besides known as Mx, was founded in 2001 by Chaney and fellow UNC professors Stephen M. Pizer, Ph.D., Kenan Professor in the departments of computing device science and radiation oncology, and Sarang Joshi, D.Sc., who at the time was an assistant professor at UNC and is now at the University of Utah.

Morphormics' formation was also facilitated by Nick England, president of 3rdTech, a business incubator company. England founded 3rdTech specifically to brood spin-offs that commercialize engineering developed in the estimator science department in UNC's College of Arts and Sciences.

Pizer and Joshi ar consultants under the Small Business Innovation Research project and England provides resources and counsel for ship's company development.

All of the cerebral property on which the Morphormics system is based was developed at UNC and is licensed to Morphormics.

Click here to see an image created victimisation Morphormics' technology.

Source: Patric Lane

University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

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